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By: J. Navaras, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine
Evaluators should keep in mind that although many Category "B" offences are "non-contact" offences arrhythmia icd 10 code order vasodilan with visa, as noted above arrhythmia vs heart attack buy 20 mg vasodilan free shipping, some non-contact offences blood pressure chart low vasodilan 20 mg low cost, such as exhibitionism and voyeurism hypertension journal article 20 mg vasodilan for sale, are Category "A" offences. Rule: if the offender has any Category "A" offences on their record - all Category "B" offences should be counted as sex offences for the purpose of scoring prior sex offences or identifying the Index offence. Offence names and legalities differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and a given sexual behaviour may be associated with a different charge in a different jurisdiction. Other offence names may qualify when they denote sexual intent or sexual misbehaviour. Category "A" Offences Aggravated Sexual Assault Attempted sex offences (Attempted Rape, Attempted Sexual Assault) 23 Compelling the commission of any sex offences (bestiality, incest, or sexual assault) or other sexual behaviour. The offender must participate in the creation of the child pornography with a human child by being physically present or via the internet, such as in cases where the offender is watching sexual abuse occurring live on the internet. Remote creation of the child sexual abuse images without the offender present or watching the abuse live can be considered Category "A" if the offender directed or requested specific photographs or scenes to be created and the resulting child abuse images were shared with him or others. Obscene written stories that involve the sexual abuse of an identifiable child are considered a Category "A" sex offence if the stories are shared with others. Molest children Obscene phone calls Online Solicitation Paying for the sexual service of a minor/developmentally delayed person Rape (includes in concert. The cooffender can actually perpetrate a sexual crime or be involved by holding the victim down) Requesting feces or urine for the purpose of masturbation Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Causing Bodily Harm Sexual Battery Sexual Communication with a Minor Sexual Homicide Sex offences against animals (Bestiality) Sex offences involving dead bodies (Offering an indignity to a dead body) Sodomy (includes in concert and with a minor; excludes consenting sexual activity among adults) 24 Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor (unless it falls under the category of consenting sex among similar age peers see page 76). Voyeuristic activity (Trespass by Night) Category "B" Offences Consenting sex with other adults in public places Crimes relating to child pornography (possession, selling, transporting, creating where only pre-existing images or digital creation of pornography are used). Certain sexual behaviours may be illegal in some jurisdictions and legal in others. Count only those sexual misbehaviours that are illegal in the jurisdiction in which the risk assessment takes place and in the jurisdiction where the acts took place (with the exception of juvenile sex tourism, which is counted as a Category "A" offence). Consider the case of an offender who lived in Nevada where prostitution was legal, and who had an old prostitution conviction from California. Currently the offender is being supervised in the community for a sexual assault conviction. However, this offence is unusual for Category "B" offences as it includes an identifiable victim. Consequently, victim information is scored for this (and only this) Category "B" offence. Sometimes the violations are not clearly defined as a sexual arrest or conviction. The determination of whether to count probation, parole, or conditional release violations as sex offences is dependent upon the nature of the sexual misbehaviour. Some probation, parole and conditional release violations are clearly of a sexual nature, such as when a rape or a child molestation has taken place or when behaviours such as exhibitionism or possession of child pornography have occurred. The violation must result in a "sanction," such as a suspension or revocation of conditional release, and not be limited to an investigation or report. For discussion of when these violations count as equivalent to a charge versus a conviction/sentencing date, see pages 29 to 31. Generally, violations due to "high-risk" behaviour would not be considered sex offences. The most common of these occurs when the offender has a condition not to be in the presence of children but is nevertheless charged with a breach - being in the presence of children. The issue that determines if a violation of conditional release is a sex offence or not is whether a person who has never been convicted of a sex offence could be charged and convicted of the breach behaviour. A person who has never faced criminal sanction could not be charged with being in the presence of minors; hence, because a non-criminal could not be charged with this offence, it is a technical violation. Non-sexual probation, parole, and conditional release violations, and charges and convictions such as property offences or drug offences are not counted as sex offences, even when they occur at the same time as sex offences, or during community supervision for a sex offence conviction. Do not count offences such as failure to register as a sex offender, being in the presence of minors, or violations of alcohol or drug abstinence conditions. Definition of "Truly Imminent" For an offence to be truly imminent, it should be established based on Clear and Convincing Evidence (see page 19 for definition of thresholds of proof) that a sex offence would have occurred as part of the same behavioural sequence (minutes to hours) but for the detection and intervention from others.
Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission arrhythmia nodosum buy 20 mg vasodilan overnight delivery, Discharge and Planning 321 Section 8 heart attack 85 year old best vasodilan 20mg. The voluntary admission process may not be an option for some incompetent defendants arteria pharyngea ascendens discount 20mg vasodilan free shipping. The admission agreement is pre hypertension lifestyle changes buy 20mg vasodilan with amex, in essence, a contract, and before accepting a voluntary admission from a defendant found to be incompetent to stand trial, care should be taken to insure that the defendant has sufficient understanding of the admission and release process to validly make the request and continuously assent. Examination may not be performed more than one week before the certificate is signed. Examiner may not have a financial interest through ownership or compensation in a proprietary facility to which the defendant is being certified. No available, less restrictive form of intervention that is consistent with the health or safety of the individual. May not admit an individual aged 65 or older unless a geriatric evaluation team determines that there is no available, adequate, less restrictive alternative. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 324 this page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing purposes. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 325 Section 8. Shortly after admission, the treatment team, or treatment provider should, with input from the patient, begin formulation of the discharge or continuing care plan. For court committed individuals, the services outlined in the aftercare plan frequently become the conditions of probation or terms of release. The overarching goals are improved health, stability, safety, and enhanced quality of life. Aftercare services include: Medical care; Psychiatric care; Vocational and social rehabilitation; Supportive housing; or Case management services. The aftercare plan shall include: Diagnoses, including existing psychiatric, somatic, and mental diagnoses; Treatment utilized; Medications prescribed, dosage and amount given on release, and information necessary to help the individual obtain the medication in the community; Date of release; Location of community placement; Plan for continuing treatment; and List of referrals including: 1. Medical treatment Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 330 this page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing purposes. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 331 Section 8. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning Most justice involved individuals are dependent upon the public health system for both somatic and behavioral health treatment and services. In addition, access to financial entitlements and housing assistance upon discharge are critical components of stability in the community. Connection to benefits is also essential to successful reentry from incarceration. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 335 Section 8. For a full description of available services, the ValueOptions and Network of Care Behavioral Health Care websites are a resource. Mental Health Services for Adults in Baltimore City: A Guide to Services Available in the Public Mental Health System: Baltimore, Md. Mental health services have been carved out and are provided by a separate network of providers. Services are provided in a hospital setting and the individual is expected to return to their residence at the end of the day. These services are not time limited and may include mental health treatment, rehabilitation, and/or case management. Intensive level has a minimum of 23 contacts per month 8 the average lengths of stay pertain only to civil admissions. Mental Health Procedures (2014) Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning 339 Baltimore City Capitation Program o Capitation provides a comprehensive array of services to participants who are stable enough to live in the community but have difficulty managing treatment and services independently. Chapter 8 Admission, Discharge and Planning Mental Health Procedures (2014) 340 o Minimum of 4 contacts per month and a home visit every 90 days.
In addition to being a manager with the Center for Health Care Services Head Start Mental Health Program blood pressure stages buy vasodilan 20 mg overnight delivery, she has a small private practice and is a doctoral candidate in education at the University of the Incarnate Word blood pressure 200120 cheap vasodilan line. As practicing mental health counselors and board members of the Maryland and Massachusetts chapters of the American Mental Health Counselors Association pulse pressure hypovolemia cheap 20mg vasodilan visa, we have watched recent developments with increasing alarm blood pressure bottom number is high buy 20mg vasodilan fast delivery. It is imperative that professional counselors everywhere understand these developments and take action to protect what we have worked so hard to achieve - our right to practice independently. Licensed mental health counselors have served this population for many years but could do so only with physician referral and supervision. The goal of the change, according to its announcement in the December 2011 Federal Register, was to increase access to mental health care by eliminating the physician-referral/ supervision requirement. This may be relieving for some, but haphazard enforcement is not a solution to an overly restrictive rule. Again, as an example, in Massachusetts and Maryland, 32 programs train mental health counselors. Our country faces a critical shortage of mental health counselors to serve legions of our veterans, including those from the recent wars. It is a travesty that the majority of current and future mental health counselors will be excluded from providing services to these veterans. They deserve more and better, as opposed to more restricted, access to therapists. Although there are no restrictions by type/accreditation of degree program in this bill, we are very concerned by the precedent that has been set in the regulations we have already described. These challenges to the majority of practicing professionals and counseling students in the country need a vigorous response. Many of us received excellent education and training from psychologists and others whose training was in other disciplines. We do not believe that national certification and reimbursement should be restricted to those who were trained solely or primarily by counselor educators, thus excluding qualified license holders in every state. All accrediting bodies share the same mission - to train and graduate counseling professionals of the highest caliber. We believe it is very important that regulations are written to allow all currently licensed professional counselors to participate. This is a matter of honoring the right of states to determine the qualifications for professional practice and to provide much-needed services to citizens in every state. We believe that a more inclusive endorsement of educational standards is needed and should be part of all future federal and state credentialing processes. It will help women discover and actualize their inherent potential for positive change. Myers, PhD the University of North Carolina at Greensboro In this empowering resource, mental health counselors, counselor educators, and school counselors will find an abundance of practical strategies that can be used immediately in their daily practice. Each chapter includes assessment and intervention strategies, client handouts, workshop outlines, self-exploration activities, case studies with discussion questions, and recommended resources. We have a diverse selection of programs covering topics such as critical threat assessment, leadership and supervision, multicultural issues, community colleges, outreach and group work. Preconference sessions on ethics, threat assessment and our own advanced topics in college counseling will be featured. Please join us for an opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from across the country. Some of the highlights of the Day of Learning: n A record number of participants attended the Wellness at Work Institute and the Presidential Reception, which was cohosted with the Association for Counselors and Educators in Government. For registration and more information on this exciting online training, visit employmentcounseling. We have had an amazing response to the call for programs, so I am confident of the high-quality programming we will be featuring. And that is on top of the networking and career development opportunities that present themselves in abundance when thousands of counselors and counselor educators gather under one roof. During 2013-2014, our foray into social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube will continue to grow. We are still publishing 11 professional journals and 10 new books (plus 12 monthly issues of Counseling Today) that can be read without an electronic device. I look forward to the amazing year our association will have, and I thank you for being part of our community. Process of Change/Insight Insight gained through rationale/cognitive processes leading to differentiation and understanding of family of origin.
If the manic symptoms are mild to moderate then at least two domains of functioning must be affected arrhythmia dizziness vasodilan 20 mg low price. The standard is at least 4 hours a day arrhythmia dance company 20 mg vasodilan for sale, which do not have to be consecutive (Kowatch et al pulse pressure 45 vasodilan 20 mg mastercard. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder will be included to diagnose young people who show frequent episodes of behavior outbursts at least three times a week and persistent irritability for longer than a year (Gever arterial blood gas test purchase 20mg vasodilan fast delivery, 2012; Grohol, 2012). Differentiating among these various diagnoses often is difficult and controversial (Galanter & Leibenluft, 2008). Screening/Evaluation Bipolar Disorder Bipolar is difficult to diagnose in children and early adolescents, in part because children lack the capacity to manifest many of the symptoms that show up in adults. Nevertheless, Geller (1998) identified five symptoms that will help in correctly diagnosing childhood bipolar disorder. They are grandiosity, flight of ideas or racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, elation, and hypersexuality. In late adolescence, as many as 50 percent with bipolar disorder have been misdiagnosed as either conduct disorder or schizophrenia (Lansford, 2004). Screening and evaluation for bipolar disorder in children and adolescents should involve procedures very similar to those used to identify depression. A thorough physical examination, metabolic and electrolytic evaluation and a diagnostic evaluation should be completed. At the very least, the youth and one parent should be interviewed, though both parents are preferable. The interview should be conducted by a specialized clinician that is knowledgeable about young people and mood disorders. Information should come from multiple sources, including teachers, coaches, afterschool care providers, peers, etc. School input will be important during the initial evaluation and after treatment progresses (Kowatch et al. During the evaluation, the clinician should establish a timeline that reflects the unfolding of the disorder and comorbid conditions over time. If symptoms appear to have been triggered by a prescription drug use, a seven-to-ten-day "washout" period should be instituted. If symptoms persist following the washout period, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder should be considered. The evaluation should also include an assessment of suicidal thinking and/or attempts because suicidal behaviors are more common in persons with bipolar than in most any other pediatric psychiatric disorder (Kowatch et al. Current symptom information is as important as gathering data about symptoms over time. Collecting family history information will help the clinician establish any genetic connection. Research has shown that children whose parents have the disorder are two to three times more likely to develop the disorder themselves (Kowatch et al. These individual therapy approaches show promise and should be considered when deciding about treatments alternatives for children with bipolar disorder. Overall, common themes of these interventions are psychoeducation, behavioral and cognitive interventions, including reducing stress and improving coping strategies, and mood regulation techniques. Treatment for Comorbidity Most of the children with bipolar disorder additionally have at least one coexisting disorder (comorbid). Comorbid factors are frequently associated with non-response or poor response to treatment and should be explored whenever a youth does not respond to treatment (Kowatch et al, 2005). The symptoms of bipolar disorder should be stabilized in advance of treating the comorbid condition(s). Each comorbid condition should be treated sequentially, that is, one at a time, but only after the bipolar disorder has been adequately treated. Any medications should be introduced one at a time, whenever possible, so that benefits and side effects of each agent can be adequately monitored. When a comorbid disorder is confirmed, the treatment plan must be modified to handle treatment of each disorder.
The Freeh report is deeply flawed in its investigative procedures & processes the Paterno family arteria hipogastrica purchase 20mg vasodilan otc, from its first review of the Freeh report blood pressure gauge buy cheap vasodilan 20 mg online, publicly urged against a rush to judgment given immediately obvious gaps in its methodology arrhythmia vs dysrhythmia cheap vasodilan 20 mg with mastercard, limited access to critical witnesses and documents prehypertension stress buy generic vasodilan canada, and sensational conclusions as to Joe Paterno not based on facts. Those requests were largely unheeded in the onslaught of media coverage and understandable rage against Jerry Sandusky. The test of time, however, has only amplified the limitations of the Freeh report, as now confirmed by the former top legal officer of the United States who served in the Justice Department under five Presidents. Former United States Attorney General Dick Thornburgh undertook an independent review of the Freeh report and its conclusions. He also served as a consultant to the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations on investigative techniques to be utilized against allegations of corruption within those organizations. He is the former Governor of Pennsylvania whose management of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident was widely praised45 and is nationally respected for his bipartisanship and independent judgment. Attorney General Thornburgh confirms that the Freeh report suffered from critical deficiencies, including substantive flaws in its findings as to Joe Paterno and in its processes and limited access to key witnesses and evidence. Despite this fact, the Freeh Report states that, while the information [that] unavailable witnesses `could have provided would have been pertinent to the investigation, the findings in this report represent a fair, objective and comprehensive analysis of the facts. Freeh had the option to describe the facts his team developed, responsibly embrace the limitations and gaps in his methodology, and render appropriately balanced, fair, and caveated observations. He had the option to recognize the plausibility of other conclusions given the limitations of his investigation. Freeh did the opposite: he championed his own report as the authoritative say on this controversy, and drew headline-grabbing and alarmingly unsupported conclusions, all while the reputation of an entire community hung in the balance. Our review has concluded, as did three respected experts, that the Freeh report is flawed in multiple ways and "got it wrong" as to Joe Paterno. The Freeh report is based on numerous errors and unsupported opinions the Freeh report is full of errors and unsupported personal opinions, and accordingly it makes improper allegations and biased assertions. The limitations of its conclusions, which were understated or ignored in the report, call into question the legitimacy of the entire report. Error & Unsupported Opinion #1: Joe Paterno knew that Jerry Sandusky was a child molester and concealed it in 1998. The Freeh report does not cite a single witness interview or one shred of evidence establishing that Joe Paterno knew that Jerry Sandusky molested anyone in 1998. The Freeh report, after conducting over 430 interviews and reviewing millions of pieces of evidence, cites just two email strings that Mr. Freeh claims may refer to Joe Paterno in the context of a 1998 complaint about Jerry Sandusky. Curley wrote an email that is untitled, dated May 5, 1998, and is subsequently included in an exchange between Mr. Curley, Senior Vice President Finance and Business Gary Schultz, and President Graham Spanier, consisting of a single line: "I have touched base with the coach. Spanier, with a subject line "Re: Joe Paterno," included the May 5 email, and he wrote a single line: "Will do. Spanier said he did not recall the email he received, and in his statement referred to the email as a "vague reference with no individual named. Spanier does not believe he was briefed verbally and otherwise had "absolutely no recollection"57 of any alleged sexual misconduct by Sandusky prior to 2001. Spanier corroborates that that the 1998 event was not reported to either of them (if reported at all to Joe Paterno) in serious terms. The Freeh report cites a second email string regarding the 1998 event that begins between Messrs. Curley and Schultz on May 13, 1998, and culminates in an June 9, 1998 email entitled, "Re: Jerry. Curley meant when he wrote this email, what if anything he conveyed to "Coach," what "Coach" said in response, whether minors were referenced, whether showers were mentioned, whether a general description of an issue with a Second Mile participant was provided, such as "poor judgment" or "an administrative issue," or if more specific details were provided. The Freeh report faults some of these investigators with its 20/20 hindsight, but does not find any evidence of interference by Penn State administrators in the 1998 Sandusky investigation. More importantly, there is no evidence that any Penn State official acted in bad faith or in any way doubted the conclusion of no sexual misconduct. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Joe Paterno covered up anything regarding the 1998 incident, or indeed that there was anything to cover up given an ensuing investigation that included outside independent experts in the field of child abuse.
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