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It was a government guardianship for the relief and guidance of white and black labor from a feudal agrarianism to modern farming and industry pain treatment varicose veins buy rizact without a prescription. It was opposed by all advocates of slavery pain treatment center west hartford ct buy 5mg rizact with amex, and all persons North and South who did not propose that emancipation should really free the slaves; was advocated by every element that it wanted to achieve this vast social revolution finally its by reasoned leadership pain treatment center in morehead ky purchase rizact 10mg line, money and sacrifice dental pain treatment guidelines purchase rizact paypal. It was emasculated and abolished by those in the North who grudged inevitable cost, and by that Southern sentiment which passed the black codes. It for the care of refugees and freedmen was passed posed as early as 1863, when a petitions for a bureau of emancipation were presented to Congress. At the opening of the new session in December, 1863, Eliot introduced another bill. This bill was objected to in the House because of its cost, its March number of had been pro- charitable features, and the force, possible corruption of its em- ployees. It would be the depth of meanness to let them now grope their way without guidance or protection. The President, by proclamation, had pledged the maintenance of Negro freedom, and Congress had recognized its obligation to secure employment and support of Negroes on abandoned lands. In the ensuing debates, the bill was defended as encouraging the enlistment of colored soldiers, and as calculated to bring order out of the present chaos. On the other hand, opponents insisted that the Bureau would open a vast field for corruption, and that it was a revolutionary effort on the part of a government of limited powers. Brooks of New York denounced it because it would put black labor under Northern taskmasters in competition with white labor and capitalists in the North. In the Senate it was referred to the Committee on Slavery and Freedom, of which Charles Sumner was chairman. Here it was transformed from a temporary makeshift and war expedient and began to take the form of a great measure of social uplift and reform. Sumner pressed the bill, arguing that private benevolence could not cope with the problem and that a bureau was necessary; that the Treasury was already in charge of abandoned property and had special agents in the field. They drew up a memorial complaining of the current methods of dealing with the freedmen and asking for a supervising agent, because of the failure of Congress to establish a bureau. This committee reported February 2, 1865, and recommended an independent Department of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. Some feared that the freedman would be too strictly controlled and that this would curtail his "initiative" and "self-reliance. However, there appeared at the same time another bill for the relief of both white refugees and freedmen and the temporary use of abandoned property. But the opposition of both Democrats and Republicans was too strong and the conference report was rejected. A second conference was held and a new bill presented, creating a Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands in the War Department. In the Treasury, it would serve to settle problems of taxation, crops and finance, but presumably end when war finance yielded to peace. The debate on the final bill was limited, and without a vote the report of the Conference Committee was accepted March 3rd. This bill provided for a Bureau to last "during the present War of Rebellion, and for one year thereafter. The Secretary of War was to issue necessary provisions, clothing, and fuel, and under the direction of the President, the Commissioner could set aside for freedmen and refugees tracts of land of not more than forty acres to be leased to tenants; the lessees were to be protected in the use of the land for three years at a low rent. All these require capital far beyond the ability of the freedman to command, and renders the scheme impractical so far as it professed to be of benefit to the freedman. He will not be able to purchase equipment of horse and agricultural implements that will be necessary for its cultivation. He, like Lane of Indiana, made the old American Assumption of economic independence open to all. I would protect them in the courts of justice; if necessary, I would give them the right of suffrage, and let loyal slaves vote their rebel masters down and reconstruct the seceded states; but I wish to have no system of guardianship and pupilage and overseership over these Negroes. Just as the refuge of those who opposed the right to vote was work for the freedman and regular habits of labor; so on the other hand, those who opposed systematic organization of such work, found refuge in the ballot.
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