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All they knew was how to prey on those who planted and reaped the fruits of their labor blood pressure chart according to age purchase 40 mg benicar with mastercard. Fierce and pitiless blood pressure medication makes me dizzy benicar 40mg on-line, these strangers ate their meat raw enrique heart attack order benicar 10 mg on-line, tearing it apart with their teeth pulse pressure decrease purchase benicar with visa. And so the five tribes came together at the place of the great council fire, by the shores of a large and tranquil lake where the wild men from the north had not yet penetrated. On the fourth day his gleaming-white magic canoe appeared, Roating, gliding above the mists. Hiawatha sat in the stern guiding the mystery canoe, while in the bow was his only child, his daughter. Out of the clouds, circling lower and lower, flew the great mystery bird of the heavens, a hundred times as big as the largest eagles, and whenever he beat his wings he made the sound of a thousand thunderclaps. The people watched in awe, but Hiawatha, stunned with grief, sank to the ground and covered himself with the robe of a panther. The people wondered whether he had given his only child to the maqitous above as a sacrifice for the deliverance of his people. But the Great Upholder would never tell them, would never speak of his daughter or of the mystery bird who had carried her away. After having mourned for three days, Hiawatha rose on the morning of the fourth and purified himself in the cold, clear waters of the lake. When the sachems, elders, and wise men had seated themselves in a circle around the sacred fire, Hiawatha came before them and said: What is past is past; it is the present and the future which concern us. My children, war, fear, and disunity have brought you from your villages to this sacred council fire. Facing a common danger, and fearing for the lives of your families, you have yet drifted apart, each tribe thinking and acting only for itself. No tribe alone can withstand our savage enemies, who care nothing about the eternal law, who sweep upon us like the storms of winter, spreading death and destruction everywhere. Remember that you are brothers, that the downfall of one means the downfall of all. Hiawatha motioned to the five tribal firekeepers to unite their fires with the big sacred council fire, and they did so. Your strength is like that of a giant pine tree whose roots spread far and deep so that it can withstand any storm. Unite as one, and then your enemies will recoil before you back into the northern wastes from whence they came. Retire now to take counsel among yourselves, and come to me tomorrow to tell me whether you will follow my advice. On the next morning the sachems and wise men of the five nations came to Hiawatha with the promise that they would from that day on be as one nation. He gathered up the dazzling white feathers which the great mystery bird of the sky had dropped and gave the plumes to the leaders of the assembled tribes. The elders begged Hiawatha to become the chief sachem of the united tribes, but he told them: "This can never be, because I must leave you. Friends and brothers, choose the wisest women in your tribes to be the future clan mothers and peacemakers, let them turn any strife arising among you into friendship. Let your sachems be wise enough to go to such women for advice when there are disputes. Hiawatha stepped into his white mystery canoe, and instead of gliding away on the waters of the lake, it rose slowly into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. In 17I4, the Tuscarora tribe joined the Iroquois League, which had been in exis tence since the Mteenth century and which now became known as well as the Six Nations. The League was a powerful force in what is now northeast Pennsylvania and upstate New York until the Revolutionary War, when they sided with the British. Their only child was a daughter, beautiful and modest, who had reached the age when girls begin to think about husbands and making a family. On the third night the dream recurred, and this time it was so real that a figure seemed to be standing beside the buffalo robe she slept on. Something was stirring, growing within her, and after a few months her condition became obvious: she was going to have a baby. When she felt the birth pangs coming on, she went out into the prairie far from the camp and built herself a brush shelter.
Obstructive asymmetric septal hypertrophy
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During the Iran-Iraq War fetal arrhythmia 33 weeks generic benicar 10 mg free shipping, Iraq used blister and nerve agents against Iranian military forces on numerous occasions; Iraq also used chemical agents against Kurdish elements of its own civilian population in 1988 pulse pressure 39 order 10 mg benicar otc. This report suggests that Iraq may have an additional 6 blood pressure quick reduction best buy benicar,000 chemical munitions hidden pulse pressure 39 purchase benicar 10mg otc. Though Syria is believed to be pursuing the development of biological weapons, it is not believed to have progressed much beyond the research and development phase and may have produced only pilot quantities of usable agent. Syria already has a stockpile of the nerve agent sarin that can be delivered by aircraft or ballistic missiles. In the future, Syria can be expected to continue to improve its chemical agent production and storage infrastructure. Prior to 1990, Libya produced about 100 tons of chemical agents-mustard and some nerve agent- at a chemical facility at Rabta. Libya maintains that the facility is a pharmaceutical production plant and announced in September 1995 that it was reopening the Rabta pharmaceutical facility. However, the pace of activity there has slowed, probably due to increases international attention. The Russian government has publicly committed to ending the former Soviet biological weapons program and claims to have ended the program in 1992. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, more extensive downsizing and restructuring of the program have taken place. Many of the key research and production facilities have taken severe cuts in funding and personnel. The Russian chemical agent inventory consists of a comprehensive array of blister, choking, and nerve agents in weapons and stored in bulk. However, DoD believes that the Russians probably have not divulged the full extent of their chemical agent and weapon inventory. However, in June 2001, Russian officials stated that Russia could not meet its commitment to destroy its declared chemical warfare arsenal by 2007 and will request a five-year extension. Terrorism the threat of terrorists obtaining and employing biological or chemical materials has increased in the wake of the 11 September attacks. Several of the 30 designated foreign terrorist organizations and other non-state actors, including the Al Qaeda network, have expressed interest in these weapons. In fact, we have confirmed that the Al Qaeda network was working to acquire chemical agents and toxins, and was pursuing a sophisticated biological weapons research program. In addition, the relative ease of producing some chemical or biological agents has increased concern that their use may 9 Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report become more attractive to terrorist groups intent on causing panic or inflicting large numbers of casualties. Additional information is provided by the Central Intelligence Agency in the Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions. One the Middle East, Iran continues with a mechanism through which industrialized countries concerted effort to acquire an independent have agreed to control the proliferation of key production capability for all aspects of its chemical and biological warfare related technologies is the Australia Group. Initial efforts of this group began in June 1985 and focused on precursor chemicals civilian uses. Proliferation of chemical and biological warfare technology in South Asia also raises several important issues. In the past, India has exported a wide array of chemical products, including Australia Group-controlled items, to numerous countries of proliferation concern in the Middle East. The controlled items include specific chemical agent precursors, pathogens with biological warfare applications, and dualuse equipment which can be used in both chemical and biological warfare programs. The listed items include animal and plant pathogen that could be used for anti-crop and anti-animal biological warfare. In addition, Pakistan has imported a number of dual-use chemicals that can be used to make chemical agents. This will result from the development of chemical and biological agents that are more difficult to detect, from the adoption of more capable delivery systems, and from the spread of production technology. Therefore, the threshold of some states to consider using these capabilities may be lowered. In addition, a variety of non-state groups, including the Al Qaeda network, are showing increased interest in attaining and employing biological or chemical weapons.
Facility Trend Analysis: the Classification Committee and Facility Oversight Committee shall have the responsibility for identiffing prehypertension que es discount 40mg benicar visa, analyzing heart attack 9gag order benicar discount, and reporting trends or issues within the facility blood pressure medication uk names generic benicar 40mg free shipping, to include areas such as: disciplinary reports and other behavior related issues heart attack chords order cheap benicar line, requirements of work details and programs, full employment (work/programs) of the population, level of movements, etc. The Committee shall also develop strategies to help stabilize caseloads and minimiz movements. The Committee is to coordinate with the Operations Analyst to identify and secure information available through computerized systems, for example: disciplinary report tracking, intranet reports, vacancy reports, activity rosters, attendance reports, reports on internal moves, etc. This policy ensurs that a process and practice are provided so that facility staff will identify monthly the needs of the offender population to ensure that the necessary programs and services are available, including progmms and services to meet the needs of offenders with specific types of problems. Work/Program Slot Review: the Classification Committee, with assistance from the Operations Analyst, will ensure that computerized Vacancy Reports are kept current, on a weekly basis. The Committee will use the report(s) to guide their decision making when assigning offenders to work details and programs. Computer Reports: the Classification Committee shall utilize current available computer report formats. The Operations Analyst or their designee shall provide current Vacancy Reports, lncarcerated Offender Reports, Performance Incentive Credit, Movement Reports, etc. Offenders shall receive a printed copy of their new schedule prior to the start of their work cycle and program assignment. Offender Classification Committee Appeal: All Classification actions may be appealed. If an offender is dissatisfied with a decision of the Classiflcation Committee, heishe must complete and submit Attachment 3, Classification Appeal Form, which will be forwarded to the Warden/Superintendent. The Warden/Superintendent or their designee shall review and respond to the issue and so advise the offender. Upon completion, Attachments willbe placed in the offender institutional file and retained per the official retention schedule. Attachments 6, 9, 10, 12,and 14 shall be utilized as instructed and destroyed when and 13 revised and obsolete. The Georgia Department of Corrections Standard Operating Procedures include an Accommodation Request Procedure (103. Appropriate and effective communication will be available to ensure access to the services and programs through contracted or employed language services or other accessibility solutions. All offenders shall have equal access to the following services, programs, and activities, but are not limited to those outlined below: 1. Academic and vocational education; It is the policy of the Georgia Department of Corrections 2. To ensure effective communication with offenders who have a vision disability, the Georgia Department of Corrections will provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services free of charge, such as: guide sticks (as medically indicated), documents with enlarged text, documents in Braille, magnifying sheets, magni$ing devices, computer keyboards with enlarged text, large computer screens, bold lined paper, talking books, screen reader devices, readers, audio recordings, or other equally effective solutions. This policy serves to protect Offenders from personal abuse, corporal punishment, personal injury, disease, property damage, and harassment and provides for the resolution of Offender grievances relating to health care concerns. Alternate Grievance Coordinator - the individual assigned by the Warden or Superintendent to back-up and/or assist the Grievance Coordinator to manage the gtievance process at the local facility as the secondary point-of-contact. The offender must also receive a copy of the orientation offenders may access a copy of this policy in its entirety at the faciliiy library. If the offender does not have access to the Kiosk, the designated staffwill initiate the grievance process in the Jpay system link on Captiva. Grievance forms must be available in the control rooms of all living units and must be provided upon request by an offender that does noi have access to the Kiosk or the Tablet. For offenders in isolation and segregation areas, staff assigned to those areas must provide these forms upon request by an Offender. Institutional staff will assist Offenders who need special help filling out the grievance forms. The prohibited retaliation includes, but is not limited to , disciplinary action against the Offender for filing a grievance. Informal Dispute Resolution: the Department encourages Offenders to try to resolve complaints on an informal basis before filing a gtievance. However, an Offender is not required to attempt an informal resolution before filing a grievance. Grievable Issues: Except as provided below, an Offender may file a or action or lack thereof Non-grievable lssues: An Offender may not file a grievance about any of the following issues. Matters that do not personally affect the Offender; Matters over which the Department has no control, including parole decisions, sentences, probation revocations, court decisions, and any matters established by the laws of the state;.
The course is presently available only in a paperback version blood pressure essentials generic benicar 10mg free shipping, which will continue to remain available pulse pressure guide generic 40 mg benicar with amex. As a result of an internal reorganization arteria humeral profunda cheap 40mg benicar mastercard, Navy requirements in these areas are now managed by a single Chief Of Naval Operations office hypertension 40 mg cheap benicar 40mg on line. Participated in the Portable Biological Agent Sampler test demonstration conducted by the U. The Marine Corps participated in the decontamination performance demonstration exercise conducted by the U. The working group was organized into five mission analysis teams: Standards & Peacetime Requirements, Contamination Avoidance, Protection, Restoration, and Battle Management. It identified internal and external deficiencies across a wide-ranging spectrum: standards, doctrine, training, evaluations, readiness assessment and reporting, and resources (both personnel and equipment). Locations for testing and evaluating specific technologies, tactics, techniques, and procedures include the West Desert Test Center, Dugway, Utah, Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, and Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Provide guidance on the vaccination and prophylaxis against biological warfare agents. These teams provide a rapidly available asset to complement the need to cover the full spectrum of military medical response-locally, nationally, and internationally. Personnel available for deployment consist of physicians, a nurse, toxicologists, veterinarians, and laboratory specialists. These personnel, when coupled with their supporting capabilities, are knowledgeable in the medical effects of a specific chemical warfare agent, identification of chemical agents or their metabolites in biological samples, determination of blood cholinesterase levels, technical and biomedical expertise required to enable protection of personnel responding to chemical incidents or to guide decontamination of personnel and causalities, and technical expertise to accomplish mission planning. These patient care areas are capable of providing intensive care for critically ill patients with specialized personnel and equipment augmentation from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The intent is to standardize a minimum level of decontamination capability by providing the same decontamination equipment and training to each medical treatment facility. DoD policy that requires pre- and post-deployment health assessments, screenings, and briefings shall be performed active and reserve component personnel deployed as a resulting of a Joint Chiefs of Staff/Unified Command deployment order for 30 continuous days or greater to a land-based location outside of the United States that does not have a permanent U. Factors to be considered will include the type of contamination and the prevailing wind direction. The technical guide is to be used as a tool to assess potential adverse health impacts resulting from exposure to harmful chemicals as a result of uncontrolled industrial release, sabotage, or from the intentional or unintentional actions of enemy or friendly forces. They construct and operate decontamination sites and facilities in the vicinity of the supported medical treatment facilities. Currently, there are 33 complete teams (2 personnel packages and 1 equipment package each) in the Air Force inventory. The Infectious Diseases Team provides personnel that augment the capability to identify, control, report, and provide treatment for infectious diseases and biological warfare agents in the deployed theater. There presently are 35 teams in the inventory, and can deploy in increments of 2 to 9 personnel. This database should eventually be validated by proficiency testing of the identified personnel to help further refine training & specialty mix requirements. The Services and Joint Staff develop and approve joint models and tools to support more timely, flexible and integrated planning for these threats and enable effective updating of both long-term 137 Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report specia lty mix evaluations and short-term combat medical requirements. The many variables and the absence of historical data have, to date, precluded arrival at any one set of conclusions that would be more logically defensible than another set as jointly accepted planning factors. This is an over-simplification of a very real problem, which the report acknowledges. Currently numerous stove-piped systems exist within the Services to track training. To the extent there is a threat of mass casualtie s, exercises should explore the limits of medical capabilities and the full consequences of the scenarios that overwhelm them. Historic "across-the-board" decreases in exercise funding for medical participation have directly impacted upon the level and frequency of exercise involvement. The orientation is conduc ted at the Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility in Edgewood, Maryland. Commonly, the lead Service responsible for developing an exercise also produces comprehensive Lessons Learned report to ensure DoD readiness for possible challenge inspections. The familiarization results are documented in the "Certification Report of Chemical Weapons Convention Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Technical Secretariat Equipment. The primary goal of the program is to protect DoD equities and minimize the threat to national security interests posed by U.
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