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By: Z. Marus, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.
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Tenderness is localized to the injured ligament and tensing the tissues on that side causes a sharp increase in pain antibiotic 5 day treatment discount keftab 500 mg with visa. If the force is great enough the ligaments may tear antibiotic resistance by maureen leonard cheap 750mg keftab free shipping, or the bone to which they are attached may be pulled apart infection low blood pressure 250mg keftab visa. The articular cartilage antibiotics for uti dog purchase keftab now, too, may be damaged if the joint surfaces are compressed or if there is a fracture into the joint. As a general principle, forceful angulation will tear the ligaments rather than crush the bone, but in older people with porotic bone the ligaments may hold and the bone on the opposite side of the joint is crushed instead, while in children there may be a fractureseparation of the physis. Treatment the joint should be firmly strapped and rested until the acute pain subsides. Thereafter, active movements are encouraged, and exercises practised to strengthen the muscles. Sometimes the ligament holds and the bone to which it is attached is avulsed; this is effectively the same lesion but easier to deal with because the bone fragment can be securely reattached. As with a strain, the joint is suddenly forced into an abnormal position; sometimes the patient actually hears a snap. The joints most likely to be affected are the ones that are insecure by virtue of their shape or least well protected by surrounding muscles: the knee, ankle and finger joints. Pain is severe and there may be considerable bleeding under the skin; if the joint is swollen, this is probably due to a haemarthrosis. The patient is unlikely to permit a searching examination, but under general anaesthesia the instability can be demonstrated; it is this that distinguishes the lesion from a strain. Strictly speaking, a sprain is any painful wrenching (twisting or pulling) movement of a joint, but the term is generally reserved for joint injuries less severe than actual tearing of the capsule or ligaments. If the stretching or twisting force is severe enough, the 730 23 Principles of fractures (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 23. If the soft tissues hold, the bone on the opposite side may be crushed (b), or a fragment may be pulled off by the taut ligament (c). Subluxation (d) means the articular surfaces are partially displaced; dislocation (e) refers to complete displacement of the joint. Clinical features Following an injury the joint is painful and the patient tries at all costs to avoid moving it. The limb is often held in a characteristic position; movement is painful and restricted. In others, however, it has changed; thus, solitary medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee, even complete ruptures, are often treated non-operatively in the first instance. Physiotherapy is applied to maintain muscle strength and later proprioceptive exercises are added. An exception to this non-operative approach is when the ligament is avulsed with an attached fragment of bone; reattachment of the fragment is indicated if the piece is large enough. Occasionally non-operative treatment may result in some residual instability that is clinically detectable; often this is not symptomatic, but if it is then surgical reconstruction should be considered. If the dislocation is reduced by the time the patient is seen, the joint can be tested by stressing it as if almost to reproduce the suspected dislocation: the patient develops a sense of impending disaster and violently resists further manipulation. Recurrent dislocation If the ligaments and joint margins are damaged, repeated dislocation may occur. Habitual (voluntary) dislocation Some patients acquire the knack of dislocating (or subluxating) the joint by voluntary muscle contraction. Ligamentous laxity may make this easier, but the habit often betrays a manipulative and neurotic personality. It is important to recognize this because such patients are seldom helped by operation. Treatment the dislocation must be reduced as soon as possible; usually a general anaesthetic is required, and sometimes a muscle relaxant as well.
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Analytical Puzzle: the Moral Economy of Patrimonial Patronage In the political economy of the prewar infection after miscarriage 750 mg keftab with mastercard, civil war and postwar periods in Liberia and Sierra Leone antibiotic resistance neisseria gonorrhoeae order keftab now, reciprocal obligations were often defined by a normative order regulating dependency relations with big man patrons within a patrimonial political system infection 1d buy discount keftab on line. Typically antibiotics for dogs kennel cough order 750 mg keftab free shipping, this cultural order of politics codifies obligations of exchange in which patrons provide economic aid and political protection while clients and subjects provide labour, political loyalty and economic tribute. This concept seems to turn Weber on his head by focusing on the legitimate use of violence by the poor and less powerful, rather than on the legitimacy of the monopoly of violence by the powerful in a political community. A morality of reciprocity between the powerful and the less powerful characterizes local theories of justice documented in the classic ethnographies of African law. Also characteristic of such systems, however, is the potential for transforming reciprocity into harsh extraction when the traditional, customary moral code becomes only a weak constraint on the aggrandizement of personalistic, autocratic power. In addition, the kinship tropes of reciprocity provide a moral language for critiquing the failures of big man patronage (Murphy, in press). Patrimonialism as a political system exhibits a fundamental structural tension between the morality of reciprocity and the abuses by power-holders making excessive demands on subjects. Such obligations and customary limitations constitute the normative elements of a moral economy of patrimonialism. This philosophical formulation helps clarify the moral economy of obligations in patrimonial patronage. Consider, for example, that the first condition of equality of opportunity is not met because patrimonial patronage is, by definition, a form of elite capture of political and economic resources. True, this institution can be seen ideally to meet the second condition when big man authority is used to fairly redistribute resources to the community. For most people, the consequence of this type of political system is destitution and suffering. The moral economy, in other words, breaks down under the pressure of changes in the political economy that enable the monopoly of political and economic resources, notably through increased use of coercive resources for social control, for example government repression or rebel insurgency control of captured territories. This media language can be translated into the theoretical language of patrimonial patronage. Women are especially vulnerable, in different structural ways, to the excesses of a big man political system that justifies forms of female subordination and servitude (and even, during the civil war, sexual slavery). Many young people and women did not want to return to their villages and communities because they feared subordination under prewar customary forms of authority. Both worry about the charismatic authority of big men and their personalistic, discretionary power to subjugate and marginalize. Similar structural tensions between big man patronage and clientalist dependency shape the reproduction of discursive critique in postconflict diasporic communities (see Steinberg 2011 on resettled Liberians in New York City). This exchange relation requires that young men or women provide services, for instance performing domestic chores or helping with marketing. In addition, peer groups and gangs provide cross-cutting support, serving to protect youth against mistreatment by a patron; however, they also add another form of dependency to the postconflict social structure that needs to be navigated (Denov and Buccitelli 2013). Poor youth have little choice but to secure the protection and economic assistance of a patron. Despite dire dependency, youth recognize unfairness in this patronage relationship and can very clearly articulate the difference between a good and an evil patron, according to a moral economy of patronage. In some major towns, another notable example of social patronage strategies in the postconflict political economy is the motorbike trade unions made up Transnational and Local Models of Non-Refoulement 209 primarily of ex-combatants. The postconflict narrative of the motorbike trade includes episodes of big men using their patronage power to treat ex-combatants as little more than serfs who are dependent upon patronage resources to gain access to a motorbike and a share in the business. Denov documents in ethnographic detail the harsh forms of social dependency in the patronage logic operating within this particular economic space.
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