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By: T. Hamid, MD
Professor, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
Sharing Information Their answer helps the clinician to know where to start high blood pressure medication and zinc buy on line telmisartan, and correct any misconceptions pulse pressure less than 20 buy 80mg telmisartan amex. These conversations are hard- cognitively blood pressure when sick telmisartan 80mg with mastercard, emotionally blood pressure normal level order cheap telmisartan online, socially, and spiritually-and clinicians may understandably avoid them. We recommend the following steps when talking about prognosis,4,5 in line with the general strategy of "ask, tell, ask": Consider what the child or family needs to know about prognosis, and when they need to know it. In some situations, if the family does not want prognostic information, then the clinician need not discuss it. In other situations, such as a very poor prognosis or acute deterioration, true informed consent may not be possible without it. Unless you have already decided that the family needs the first communication goal that spans the illness trajectory is the sharing of information. Clinicians must both seek information from and impart information to children and their families, and what we choose to discuss sets a tone for the central issues of care. A useful general communication strategy is "ask, tell, ask," in which communication from the clinician is framed by the child and family. For example, when discussing a cancer diagnosis, one might start by asking the child or family, "What is your understanding of the diagnosis so far? Clinicians who do not routinely offer prognostic information may leave some children and families without information they want. For families who want information, provide an honest estimate, without euphemisms. Although we cannot ensure that the course will be easy, we can help them to feel less alone. When treatment fails or results in a life-threatening complication, this information must also be shared. Clinicians sometimes focus on treatment rather than prognosis,7 perhaps because this is something we can offer in a difficult situation. Conveying a poor prognosis with honesty, however, can help parents make the best decisions for their children. While there are no "right" words for this situation, one might say, "I wish the news was different. Developing Relationships the second communication goal, the development of a relationship between the parents, child, and clinician, also begins at diagnosis. Each child and family has a different style and set of expectations regarding communication and making decisions, and clinicians need to clarify and work with these styles and expectations. Emotions play a vital role in communication-and are often the most important substance being communicated. Asking a parent "What do you need to do to feel like you are being the best parent you can be for your child? These relationships develop organically and in diverse directions, rather than following a prescribed path. Nevertheless, clinicians can foster such relationship with questions and behaviors that engage the child and parents in teaching the clinician about who they are. Children especially may not always wish to talk about issues related to their illness, but sometimes, they may leave the conversational door ajar. Clinicians who are patiently and consistently listening are more likely to detect and use that opening. Furthermore, by listening, clinicians reassure children and parents that their words have meaning. Questions can help build relationships, and often have dual roles: they allow the child and family to express themselves, and give clinicians information that helps them to provide the best possible care. These questions unfold across multiple conversations, with many possible prompts: "What are you proudest of? Early conversations (about family members, school, and interests, for example) may evolve over time into deeper ones about spirituality or the meaning of illness ("Do you ever wonder why this happened to you? This question allows them to share what is good and meaningful to them, which is good in itself, for the child, family, and clinician. Additionally, this can aid clinicians in conversations about care when treatment options have failed-"Remember when you told me about. Asking questions and listening are the best tools to understand these differences.
The pulse in aortic insufficiency is called a collapsing arterial nosebleed telmisartan 20 mg fast delivery, Corrigan withings blood pressure monitor cheap telmisartan on line, or water-hammer pulse arteria srl buy 40 mg telmisartan fast delivery. The pulmonary artery pressure curve also has a dicrotic notch produced by the closure of the pulmonary valves heart attack 913 purchase generic telmisartan canada. As noted above, some blood regurgitates into the great veins when the atria contract. In addition, venous inflow stops, and the resultant rise in venous pressure contributes to the a wave. The two terms are used interchangeably, though "murmur" is more commonly used to denote noise heard over the heart than over blood vessels. Examples of vascular sounds outside the heart are the bruit heard over a large, highly vascular goiter, the bruit heard over a carotid artery when its lumen is narrowed and distorted by atherosclerosis, and the murmurs heard over an aneurysmal dilation of one of the large arteries, an arteriovenous (A-V) fistula, or a patent ductus arteriosus. When the orifice of a valve is narrowed (stenosis), blood flow through it is accelerated and turbulent. When a valve is incompetent, blood flows through it backward (regurgitation or insufficiency), again through a narrow orifice that accelerates flow. Murmurs due to disease of a particular valve can generally be heard best when the stethoscope is directly over the valve. There are also other aspects of the duration, character, accentuation, and transmission of the sound that help to locate its origin in one valve or another. One of the loudest murmurs is that produced when blood flows backward in diastole through a hole in a cusp of the aortic valve. Most murmurs can be heard only with the aid of the stethoscope, but this high-pitched musical diastolic murmur is sometimes audible to the unaided ear several feet from the patient. In patients with congenital interventricular septal defects, flow from the left to the right ventricle causes a systolic murmur. Soft murmurs may also be heard in patients with interatrial septal defects, although they are not a constant finding. Soft systolic murmurs are also common in individuals, especially children, who have no cardiac disease. Systolic murmurs are also heard in anemic patients as a result of the low viscosity of the blood and associated rapid flow (see Chapter 32). Valve Aortic or pulmonary Abnormality Stenosis Insufficiency Mitral or tricuspid Stenosis Insufficiency Timing of Murmur Systolic Diastolic Diastolic Systolic can be applied, of course, only in situations in which the arterial blood is the sole source of the substance taken up. The principle can be used to determine cardiac output by measuring the amount of O2 consumed by the body in a given period and dividing this value by the A-V difference across the lungs. Because systemic arterial blood has the same O2 content in all parts of the body, the arterial O2 content can be measured in a sample obtained from any convenient artery. A sample of venous blood in the pulmonary artery is obtained by means of a cardiac catheter. It has now become commonplace to insert a long catheter through a forearm vein and to guide its tip into the heart with the aid of a fluoroscope. Catheters can be inserted through the right atrium and ventricle into the small branches of the pulmonary artery. Pulses of ultrasonic waves are emitted from a transducer that also functions as a receiver to detect waves reflected back from various parts of the heart. Reflections occur wherever acoustic impedance changes, and a recording of the echoes displayed against time on an oscilloscope provides a record of the movements of the ventricular wall, septum, and valves during the cardiac cycle. When combined with Doppler techniques, echocardiography can be used to measure velocity and volume of flow through valves. It has considerable clinical usefulness, particularly in evaluating and planning therapy in patients with valvular lesions. The indicator must, of course, be a substance that stays in the bloodstream during the test and has no harmful or hemodynamic effects. In practice, the log of the indicator concentration in the serial arterial samples is plotted against time as the concentration rises, falls, and then rises again as the indicator recirculates. The initial decline in concentration, linear on a semilog plot, is extrapolated to the abscissa, giving the time for first passage of the indicator through the circulation.
Yet hypertension 4 mg trusted 80 mg telmisartan, the potential benefits for online physician engagement are very substantial hypertension genetics cheap telmisartan 80mg fast delivery, not only for patients but also for physicians and for the global practice of medicine blood pressure chart age 65 cheap telmisartan 40mg free shipping. Medical advice from unqualified sources is plentiful online (theCancerCureMiracle blood pressure medication raise blood sugar buy telmisartan 20 mg free shipping. Patients and caregivers are increasingly turning to online sources to supplement what they learn from their own medical care teams, and this can be a beneficial or detrimental change depending entirely on the quality of the medical information available online. Physicians have historically remained wary to engage in online communities or to provide information via the Internet, largely because of concerns about legal liability, patient privacy, and time limitations. Reliance on Internet-based information will only escalate as more patients and caregivers become connected, making it more compelling for physicians to embrace the constructive possibilities of collaborative engagement and interaction between patients and caregivers online rather than passively cede the ability to influence these online communities in a constructive way. With the expanse of new content, physicians are now apt to become a bottleneck and to limit care options if medical practice follows an outdated unidirectional model. Increasingly, patients with access to a network of committed advocates, potentially including many other fellow patients, in the context of highly accessible medical information can collaborate with their own local medical team to shape a more bidirectional or even a networked model in which patients conduct their own research and discuss their own views regarding the most appropriate or preferred options with their physicians. In this new model, the physician becomes the pivotal individual to provide context and to shape recommendations for a patient who is increasingly engaged in key decisions. Provision of Readily Available, Vetted Content through Physician Engagement the substantial benefits from this new model are all predicated on high-quality information being available online from identifiable, credible sources to counter the abundance of less reliable information, or even misinformation, being promulgated by less qualified or less competent sources. Practically speaking, physicians can engage by offering "pushed" online content, in which knowledge is offered and can be consumed by a limitless number of people who can view this digital content without any additional effort from its producer. Examples of this type of content include blog posts, audio and video podcasts, or information found on "micro-blogging" platforms such as Twitter. Top concerns of physicians regarding interaction with patients online (respondents choose up to three). These efforts create challenges, however, by being more time consuming and not scalable like pushed content. In addition, pulled, interactive content that involves individualized case discussions could potentially entail an implied medical recommendation in the absence of broad disclaimers and careful wording. Additionally, there is a risk of oversimplification because the optimal practice of medicine always depends on the totality of details and accuracy of the information. In the most egregious example, patients with a mistaken diagnosis might not even have the disease that they think they have. Patients can clearly benefit from becoming far more informed about appropriate treatment options and may learn about standard or clinical research-based options about which their own physician might not be aware. They can also be comforted by the ability to play an active role in achieving a consensus about the optimal treatment for a complex situation. However, benefits are also readily available for physicians who are willing to invest the time to impart their knowledge into global online discussions. Aside from the very substantial intrinsic value of enabling more patients to participate directly in their own care while armed with vetted information, physicians who engage with patients online may need to spend less time covering these same topics repeatedly in individual discussions, may be Table 1. Physicians Remain Most Valued Source of Health Information 5 Fellow patients, Both Professional equally friends, and sources. An accurate medical diagnosis Information about prescription drugs Information about alternative treatments A recommendation for a doctor or specialist A recommendation for a hospital or other medical facility 91 85 63 62 62 5 9 24 27 27 2 3 5 6 6 better trusted by their patients, and may attract more new patients based on their online outreach. The medical community can potentially curate highquality content, such as by creating an online resource akin to a Wikipedia or Khan Academy of medical information accessible to physicians and to the lay public alike. Effective professional activities in this regard will engender two critical and increasingly necessary fundamental changes. First, physicians will no longer need to hold an unmanageable capacity of specialized knowledge but can work with patients to access and interpret the best data to create an optimal management strategy. By necessity, this change will also be accompanied by an increased physician acceptance of outside sources of new information as relevant and potentially valid. Secondly, rather than have the same content recreated and recapitulated for thousands of patients thousands of times individually, this information can be shared communally, freeing time otherwise spent in reduplicated efforts. West) along with other oncology experts distill the latest trial results and summarize current best practices, along with personal perspectives, in accessible language and multiple formats. These formats include blog posts, video and audio podcasts, and a very popular interactive discussion forum in which patients and caregivers can ask experts, and each other, questions about the best current treatments and new research concepts just emerging. Other important new online vehicles are being developed by oncology professionals along these lines as well. Using highly interactive online models as teaching tools, this site aims to illuminate complex scientific pathways and bring them into the clinical context in a meaningful way for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Online Medical Information: Facilitating Research in Small and Geographically Distributed Subgroups Centralized online content provided by medical experts can help overcome an emerging new challenge that is a by-product of the recognition that patients with any given cancer diagnosis viewed as a single monolithic group are actually far more heterogeneous, comprising many, much smaller subgroups.
Most of the blood entering the heart through the inferior vena cava is diverted directly to the left atrium via the patent foramen ovale blood pressure of 170100 telmisartan 80 mg with amex. Most of the blood from the superior vena cava enters the right ventricle and is expelled into the pulmonary artery primary pulmonary hypertension xray discount 80mg telmisartan visa. The resistance of the collapsed lungs is high blood pressure going up buy 40 mg telmisartan with mastercard, and the pressure in the pulmonary artery is several mm Hg higher than it is in the aorta blood pressure test buy cheap telmisartan 80 mg on-line, so that most of the blood in the pulmonary artery passes through the ductus arteriosus to the aorta. In this fashion, the relatively unsaturated blood from the right ventricle is diverted to the trunk and lower body of the fetus, while the head of the fetus receives the betteroxygenated blood from the left ventricle. From the aorta, some of the blood is pumped into the umbilical arteries and back to the placenta. The fetal red cells contain fetal hemoglobin (hemoglobin F), whereas the adult cells contain adult hemoglobin (hemoglobin A). Most of the oxygenated blood reaching the heart via the umbilical vein and inferior vena cava is diverted through the foramen ovale and pumped out the aorta to the head, while the deoxygenated blood returned via the superior vena cava is mostly pumped through the pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus to the feet and the umbilical arteries. The fetal circulation cooperates with that of the placenta and uterus to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus, as well as carrying away waste products. Unique anatomic features of the fetal circulation as well as biochemical properties of fetal hemoglobin serve to ensure adequate O2 supply, particularly to the head. At birth, the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus close such that the neonatal lungs now serve as the site for oxygen exchange. At birth, the placental circulation is cut off and the peripheral resistance suddenly rises. Meanwhile, because the placental circulation has been cut off, the infant becomes increasingly asphyxial. The sucking action of the first breath plus constriction of the umbilical veins squeezes as much as 100 mL of blood from the placenta (the "placental transfusion"). Blood returning from the lungs raises the pressure in the left atrium, closing the foramen ovale by pushing the valve that guards it against the interatrial septum. The mechanism producing the initial constriction is not completely understood, but the increase in arterial O2 tension plays an important role. Relatively high concentrations of vasodilators are present in the ductus in utero-especially prostaglandin F2a-and synthesis of these prostaglandins is blocked by inhibition of cyclooxygenase at birth. In many premature infants the ductus fails to close spontaneously, but closure can be produced by infusion of drugs that inhibit cyclooxygenase. A) maternal artery B) maternal uterine vein C) maternal femoral vein D) umbilical artery E) umbilical vein 2. The pressure differential between the heart and the aorta is least in the A) left ventricle during systole. B) after at least 2 mo of rest and recuperation following occlusion of a coronary artery. Fluid is reabsorbed into the bloodstream to maintain appropriate pressure in the setting of continuous production. Other substances (such as glucose) require specific transport mechanisms, whereas entry of macromolecules is negligible. Metabolic products and neural input induce vasodilation as needed for oxygen demand. Control of cutaneous blood flow is a key facet of temperature regulation, and is underpinned by varying levels of shunting through arteriovenous anastomoses. List the passages through which air passes from the exterior to the alveoli, and describe the cells that line each of them. Define the basic measures of lung volume and give approximate values for each in a normal adult. Compare the pulmonary and systemic circulations, listing the main differences between them. The final chapter in this section examines some key factors that regulate respiration. Throughout each chapter, clinical implications of specific physiology will be presented. Therefore, the pressure exerted by any one gas in a mixture of gases (its partial pressure) is equal to the total pressure times the fraction of the total amount of gas it represents. The water vapor in the air in most climates reduces these percentages, and therefore the partial pressures, to a slight degree.
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