By: P. Sigmor, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Co-Director, Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine
Place pt in Trendelenburg and left lateral decubitus position to minimize aspiration (occurs in 10% of pts) medicine 035 generic 5 mg frumil fast delivery. Lavage is contraindicated with corrosives and petroleum distillate hydrocarbons because of risk of aspiration-induced pneumonia and gastroesophageal perforation medications quetiapine fumarate cheap 5 mg frumil amex. Whole-bowel irrigation may be useful with ingestions of foreign bodies section 8 medications purchase 5mg frumil, drug packets medicine 600 mg order frumil 5mg fast delivery, and slow-release medications. Cathartic salts (magnesium citrate) and saccharides (sorbitol, mannitol) promote evacuation of the rectum. Dilution of corrosive acids and alkali is accomplished by having pt drink 5 mL water/kg. Endoscopy or surgical intervention may be required in large foreign-body ingestion, heavy metal ingestion, and when ingested drug packets leak or rupture. Syrup of ipecac, once the most commonly used decontamination procedure, has no role in the hospital setting. Some argue it can still be considered for the home management of patients with accidental ingestions, reliable histories, and mild predicted toxicity when transport to a hospital site is prolonged. It is administered orally in doses of 30 mL for adults, 15 mL for children, and 10 mL for infants. Skin and eyes are decontaminated by washing with copious amounts of water or saline. Phentolamine, a nonselective 1adrenergic receptor antagonist, for severe hypertension due to 1adrenergic agonists; propranolol, a nonselective blocker, for hypotension and tachycardia due to 2 agonists; labetalol, a blocker with -blocking activity, or phentolamine with esmolol, metoprolol, or other cardioselective blocker for hypertension with tachycardia due to nonselective agents (blockers, if used alone, can exacerbate hypertension and vasospasm due to unopposed a stimulation); benzodiazepines; propofol. Physiologic stimulation (Table e35-2); pronounced gastrointestinal symptoms and agonist effects (see above). Nitroprusside or nitroglycerine for severe vasospasm; prazocin (an 1 blocker), captopril, nifedipine, and cyproheptidene (a serotonin receptor antagonist) for mild to moderate limb ischemia; dopamine receptor antagonists (antipsychotics) for hallucinations and movement disorders Propranolol, a nonselective blocker, for tachycardia with hypotension; any blocker for supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia without hypotension; elimination enhanced by multiple-dose charcoal, hemoperfusion, and hemodialysis; indications for hemoperfusion or hemodialysis include unstable vital signs, seizures, and a theophylline level of 80-100 g/mL after acute overdose and 40-60 g/mL with chronic exposure. At high doses, amantidine, diphenhydramine, orphenadrine, phenothiazines, and tricyclic antidepressants have additional nonanticholinergic activity (see below). Clinical Features Delayed or slowly progressive physiologic stimulation (Table e35-2); terminal hypotension and bradycardia in severe cases. Physiologic stimulation (Table e35-2); dry skin and mucous membranes, decreased bowel sounds, flushing, and urinary retention; myoclonus and picking activity. Anticholinergics Antihistamines Antiparkinsonian agents Antipsychotics Antispasmotics Belladonna alkaloids Cyclic antidepressants Muscle relaxants Mushrooms and plants Diphenhydramine, doxylamine, pyrilamine Amantidine, trihexiphenydyl Chlorpromazine, olanzapine, quetiapine, thioridazine Clinidium, dicyclomine Atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine Amitriptyline, doxepin, imipramine Cyclobenzaprine, orphenadrine Amanita muscaria and A. Inhibition of -adrenergic, dopaminergic, histaminergic, muscarinic, and serotonergic receptors. Antipsychotics Physiologic depression (Table e35-2), miosis, anticholinergic effects (see above), extrapyramidal reactions (see below), tachycardia. Some agents have activity at additional receptors or have membrane effects (see below). Clinical Features Physiologic depression (Table e35-2), atrioventricular block, hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, seizures. Physiologic depression (Table e35-2), atrioventricular block, organ ischemia and infarction, hyperglycemia, seizures. Hypotension is usually due to decreased vascular resistance rather than to decreased cardiac output. Specific Treatments Glucagon and calcium for hypotension and symptomatic bradycardia. Atropine, isoproterenol, amrinone, dopamine, dobutamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine may sometimes be effective. High-dose insulin (with glucose and potassium to maintain euglycemia and normokalemia), electrical pacing, and mechanical cardiovascular support for refractory cases. Dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, atropine, and isoproterenol are less often effective but can be used adjunctively. Amrinone, highdose insulin (with glucose and potassium to maintain euglycemia and normokalemia), electrical pacing, and mechanical cardiovascular support for refractory cases. Cardiac glycosides Digoxin, endogenous cardioactive steroids, foxglove and other plants, toad skin secretions (Bufonidae sp. Physiologic depression (Table e35-2); gastrointestinal, psychiatric, and visual symptoms; atrioventricular block with or without concomitant supraventricular tachyarrhythmia; ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Temporizing measures include atropine, dopamine, epinephrine, phenytoin, and external cardiac pacing for bradydysrhythmias and magnesium, lidocaine, phenytoin, and bretylium for ventricular tachydysrhythmias.
Stem cell transplantation Allogeneic transplantation offers the chance of permanent cure symptoms carpal tunnel purchase frumil with amex. For aplastic anaemia conditioning is with cyclophosphamide without irradiation but with ciclosporin treatment efficacy purchase generic frumil on-line, which reduces the risks of graft failure and (with methotrexate) of graft-versus-host disease conventional medicine order frumil 5mg on-line. In older subjects and those with less severe disease medicine 035 frumil 5 mg cheap, immunosuppression is usually tried first. Red cell aplasia Chronic this is a rare syndrome characterized by anaemia with normal leucocytes and platelets and grossly reduced or absent erythroblasts in the marrow. Mutation of a gene on chromosome 19 or other genes that encode ribosomal proteins underlies most cases. Red cell aplasia from anti-erythropoietin antibodies has been rarely described in patients with chronic renal failure receiving recombinant erythropoietin. Monoclonal Chronic acquired Idiopathic Associated with thymoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, T-large granular lymphocytosis, myelodysplasia, viral infection, drugs Figure 22. If regular blood transfusions are needed, iron chelation therapy will also be necessary. Transient neutropenia with a propensity to transform to myelodysplasia or acute myeloid leukaemia. Exocrine pancreatic dysfunction is an invariable feature while skeletal abnormalities, hepatic impairment and short stature are frequent. Transient red cell aplasia with anaemia may also occur in association with drug therapy (Table 22. The reticulocyte count is low for the degree of anaemia, despite increased marrow cellularity. The anaemia is of variable severity and is usually first noted in infancy or childhood. Aplastic anaemia may be congenital (Fanconi) or acquired (idiopathic or due to drugs, viral infection or toxins). Fanconi anaemia is autosomal recessive, associated with congenital skeletal, skin or renal abnormalities. Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemias are a group of rare inherited disorders of erythropoiesis. Collection of stem cells Stem cells can be collected from the peripheral blood, bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. Blood is taken through one cannula and pumped around the machine where mononuclear cells are collected by centrifugation before the red cells are returned to the patient. This continuous process may take a few hours before enough mononuclear cells are collected. Peripheral blood normally contains too few haemopoietic stem cells to allow collection of sufficient numbers for transplantation. Chemotherapy is used in patients undergoing autologous stem cell collection but not in healthy donors. Umbilical cord blood Fetal blood is a rich source of haemopoietic stem cells which may be collected from cord blood. Because of the relatively small numbers of stem cells collected from a single cord, they are most useful for children who do not have a fully matching sibling or unrelated donor. Double cord donations may be needed to obtain sufficient stem cells for adult recipients.
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It is associated with complement-mediated cytotoxicity of parathyroid cells medications bladder infections buy cheap frumil 5 mg line, indicating a specific immune response to the parathyroid medications during labor buy frumil master card. Several antigens have been associated with this disorder symptoms vitamin d deficiency buy frumil 5 mg on line, including endothelial cell proteins and mitochondria medications online order 5mg frumil with visa. Polyglandular Syndromes Three syndromes of associated endocrinopathies have been defined as the polyglandular syndromes. Type I polyglandular syndrome involves mucocutaneous candidiasis and associated endocrinopathies that begin in early childhood. Patients have organ-specific autoantibodies and poorly defined defects in cell-mediated immunity. This type of disorder is seen primarily in women in the second or third decade of life. In addition, autoantibodies to the ovary and gonadotropin receptors exist in many women with polyendocrinopathies. The fetus is an immunogenic allograft that evokes a protective immune response from the mother, which is necessary for implantation and growth. The mechanism of pregnancy loss is hypothesized to involve two antiphospholipid antibodies. Lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies are directed against platelets and vascular endothelium. This causes vascular destruction and thrombosis, leading to fetal death and abortion. Antisperm antibodies have been detected in the serum of men and women, in cervical mucus of women, in seminal fluid of men, and attached to sperm cells. In seminal fluid, the immobilizing antibodies to sperm are usually of the IgG class and the agglutinating antibodies are IgA. Elevated levels of antibodies to sperm have been found in more than 40% of men after vasectomy but only occasionally in men with primary testicular agenesis. These reactions range from local reactions to systemic reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis. The allergen is usually one or more prostatic proteins, but it can include IgE to spermatozoa. Clear evidence for excessive B cell activity has been demonstrated, but it is not known whether this is caused by B or T cell abnormalities. Hoarseness, chronic cough, and increased incidence of infection have been observed. Antibodies are usually polyclonal and may result in the hyperviscosity syndrome and hypergammaglobulinemic purpura. Gastrointestinal Disorders Atrophic Gastritis and Pernicious Anemia A malfunctioning immune system can target the stomach lining, resulting in autoimmune gastritis, characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. These antibodies may also be demonstrated in patients with other autoimmune diseases, such as thyroiditis. In addition, antibodies can be found in asymptomatic patients and in those older than 60 years. The lesions are associated with decreased synthesis of gastric acid and intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor normally binds ingested vitamin B12 at one site and binds to receptors in the distal ileum at another site. The R proteins compose an antigenically cross-reactive group of cobalamin-binding glycoproteins. Their function is unknown, but they appear to serve as storage sites and as a means of eliminating excess cobalamin and unwanted analogues from the blood circulation through receptor sites on liver cells. Transcobalamin I probably serves only as a backup transport system for endogenous cobalamin.
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