La menciуn de determinadas sociedades mercantiles o de nombres comerciales de ciertos productos no implica que la Organizaciуn Panamericana de la Salud los apruebe o recomiende con preferencia a otros anбlogos 700 bacteria in breast milk 0.5 mg goutnil fast delivery. La Organizaciуn Panamericana de la Salud ha adoptado todas las precauciones razonables para verificar la informaciуn que figura en la presente publicaciуn antimicrobial towels martha stewart discount 0.5 mg goutnil overnight delivery, no obstante lo cual bacteria ua rare buy goutnil 0.5mg with visa, el material publicado se distribuye sin garantнa de ningъn tipo antimicrobial 24 cheap 0.5 mg goutnil mastercard, ni explнcita ni implнcita. El lector es responsable de la interpretaciуn y el uso que haga de ese material, y en ningъn caso la Organizaciуn Panamericana de la Salud podrб ser considerada responsable de daсo alguno causado por su utilizaciуn. Con ella se quiere, a la vez, ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene respecto de la enfermedad, y construir una herramienta de trabajo para uso de los profesionales de la salud que deben lidiar con la enfermedad. Se quiere asн apoyar a los Programas Nacionales de Control de Leishmaniasis y las Бreas de Vigilancia en sus procesos respectivos de estructuraciуn de los servicios de salud y en la optimizaciуn y direccionamiento de las acciones pertinentes que llevan a cabo contra las leishmaniasis. Esta publicaciуn, finalmente, llama la atenciуn sobre la necesidad de incorporar a los Programas Nacionales y a los servicios de vigilancia las evidencias y conocimientos locales disponibles. De esta manera se busca apoyar la vigilancia y control de la enfermedad en cada paнs, para que en cada caso se tengan en cuenta las peculiaridades relativas a las especies locales de parбsitos, vectores y reservorios, asн como las caracterнsticas epidemiolуgicas y clнnicas de la enfermedad. Con la elaboraciуn de este Manual, se espera contribuir para el fortalecimiento de las acciones de vigilancia y control de las leishmaniasis en la regiуn, compromiso asumido por los paнses miembros en la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud y por la Resoluciуn 55. Su complejo ciclo biolуgico comprende diferentes especies de parбsitos, tanto reservorios como vectores, los cuales causan en el humano infectado un conjunto de sнndromes clнnicos que pueden comprometer la piel, las mucosas y las vнsceras. En las Amйricas, en especнfico, se presentan con elevada magnitud y amplia distribuciуn. Ademбs, los principales factores de riesgo, resultado de los procesos sociales, econуmicos y ambientales locales, aumentan en gran medida el nъmero de la poblaciуn en peligro de infecciуn. Dichas informaciones fueron publicadas en el Technical Report Series, 949 - Control of the Leishmaniasis. En dichas acciones deben estar incluidos, de esta manera, tanto los lineamientos especнficos sobre cуmo realizar las tйcnicas de diagnуstico de laboratorio, como las indicaciones para el tratamiento, la vigilancia y el control de los casos humanos de las leishmaniasis y vectores, y, cuando sea necesario, de reservorios. Ademбs, las acciones de vigilancia y control presentadas estбn propuestas para los distintos escenarios epidemiolуgicas de las leishmaniasis cutбnea y visceral Бreas con y sin transmisiуn considerando las caracterнsticas especнficas del ambiente, del patrуn de transmisiуn, de los casos humanos, vectores y reservorios, de modo que se prioricen las acciones y optimicen los recursos invertidos en la prevenciуn y el control, y se adecъe cada intervenciуn al contexto epidemiolуgico local. Son causadas por diferentes especies de protozoos del gйnero Leishmania y se transmiten a los animales y humanos a travйs de insectos de la familia Psychodidae. El gйnero Leishmania comprende alrededor de 22 especies patуgenas al hombre, las cuales se agrupan en los subgйneros Leishmania y Viannia (Figura 1). En el Nuevo Mundo han sido identificadas 15 especies de Leishmania con diferente tropismo: visceral, cutбneo y mucoso (Cuadro 1). El parбsito es digenйtico, es decir, durante su ciclo de vida se encuentra en dos formas o estadнos: una forma promastigote (Figura 2) que mide entre 20 y 30 m, es extracelular y alargada, y posee un flagelo que le permite la movilidad en el intestino de los insectos vectores; y otra forma la amastigote (Figura 3), la cual mide entre 2 y 5 m, es redondeada e intracelular, carece de flagelo, y se multiplica en cйlulas del sistema mononuclear fagocнtico, principalmente macrуfagos. Ambas formas del parбsito se dividen por fisiуn binaria y ademбs poseen una ъnica mitocondria modificada conocida como kinetoplasto. En las Amйricas, la forma de promastigote es transmitida a los mamнferos susceptibles, entre ellos los humanos, a travйs de la picadura de insectos vectores del gйnero Lutzomyia. Se caracterizan por la venaciуn del ala y la presencia de densos pelos en las alas y el tуrax. Los miembros de la subfamilia Phlebotominae predominan en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales. El grupo estб compuesto por 6 gйneros, pero en las Amйricas, Lutzomyia es el mбs importante (Figura 4). Los aspectos sobre reproducciуn, alimentaciуn, dispersiуn y comportamiento, que influyen directamente en la epidemiologнa de las leishmaniasis, deben estudiarse por especie, ya que pueden variar considerablemente de un caso a otro. Los flebotomнneos son insectos con una metamorfosis completa, es decir, pasan por los estadios de: huevo, larva, pupa y adulto, cuya duraciуn respectiva varнa segъn las especies. Los adultos miden menos de 5 mm de longitud, tienen patas largas, alas ampliamente lanceoladas - sin venas cruzadas mбs allб de la base - y tуrax giboso. Su cuerpo estб revestido de pelos largos y finos que le confieren un aspecto hirsuto. Estos insectos se encuentran distribuidos por amplias zonas del mundo, de modo que sуlo los que viven en бreas tropicales pueden realizar su ciclo vital completo durante todo el aсo, mientras que los que viven en las regiones subrtropicales solo lo pueden realizar durante los meses cбlidos. Las especies del gйnero Lutzomyia tienen principalmente actividad crepuscular y nocturna, aunque tambiйn pueden estar activas durante el dнa.
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Jurisdictionally mixed services are ``[s]ervices that are capable of communications both between intrastate end points and between interstate end points. Is it possible or practical to allow higher rates on only a portion of such ancillary services? Is it possible to separate the interstate and intrastate aspects of each such ancillary service charge or function? If not, can the Commission proceed to regulate the entire ancillary service charge to the extent it is not jurisdictionally severable? Finally, the Bureau asks commenters to (1) suggest specific rule language responsive to the D. If more than one docket or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or rulemaking number. Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U. To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an email to fcc504@fcc. Persons making ex parte presentations must file a copy of any written presentation or a memorandum summarizing any oral presentation within two business days after the presentation (unless a different deadline applicable to the Sunshine period applies). Persons making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the presentation must: (1) List all persons attending or otherwise participating in the meeting at which the ex parte presentation was made; and (2) summarize all data presented and arguments made during the presentation. Documents shown or given to Commission staff during ex parte meetings are deemed to be written ex parte presentations and must be filed consistent with section 1. For further information, contact Minsoo Kim of the Wireline Competition Bureau at (202) 4181739 or Minsoo. Alternative formats are available for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), by sending an email to fcc504@fcc. For purposes of this questionnaire subsequent references to "health carrier" include the Health Care Authority when administering the nonsubsidized Basic Health Plan. It is the only health screening allowed by law for health carriers to use if they wish to screen for health conditions as a part of their determination of eligibility of people who apply for private, individual medical coverage. Health carriers may use the Standard Health Questionnaire as a health screening tool for products such as stand-alone prescription drug plans, disability income replacement or life insurance policies sold by the health carrier. Use of the Standard Health Questionnaire for these kinds of products does not guarantee the right to coverage with the Washington State Health Insurance Pool if an applicant is denied coverage for one of these products. The Standard Health Questionnaire is available from private health carriers on paper as a part of their application packet or electronically for those applying for coverage on-line. Attention: If you are currently eligible for Medicare, or will be on the requested effective date of coverage for which you are applying, you are not eligible for private individual or family health coverage; and you should not fill out this questionnaire. Medicare is a federally sponsored program for individuals age 65 or older, or who have end-stage renal disease, or are disabled as defined by Social Security. Medicaid is a state-sponsored program for individuals and families who qualify based on income and other criteria. Request a copy of the Agent list from the health carrier to whom you are applying, or go to Revised for coverage beginning on or after March 23, 2012 Answer the following questions before you fill out the questionnaire to determine if you meet one of these exemptions. If you do not know the answer to a question, please contact your agent or health carrier to whom you are applying for further instruction. You may be asked to provide further documentation to support your responses to the following questions.
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Zapotecan languages are spoken in central oral antibiotics for acne uk purchase goutnil 0.5 mg line, northeastern infection 10 days after surgery buy cheap goutnil 0.5mg line, eastern antibiotic resistance not finishing course discount goutnil online, and southern Oaxaca antibiotic resistance fact sheet purchase goutnil 0.5 mg with mastercard. The Chinantec branch is composed of a number of widely divergent dialects spoken in northern Oaxaca. Amuzgo, spoken in a small area of southwestern Oaxaca and southeastern Guerrero, constitutes its own separate branch. In addition to the Otomanguean languages, four other linguistic stocks are represented in Oaxaca (Suбrez 1983)/ these are Mixe-Zoquean, Chontal, or Tequistlatec,5 Uto-Aztecan (a family that includes Nбhuatl, spoken in northern Oaxaca, southern Puebla, and eastern Guerrero, as well as other areas in Mexico), and Huave, a language with no close relatives that is restricted to a small area on the coast in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Most of these languages comprise several dialects, with varying degrees of mutual intelligibility. In some cases, linguists have distinguished separate languages within a group, as in coastal and highland Chontal. In other instances, as in Mixtee, continuous dialect variation from village to village makes for a highly differentiated complex with few clearly defined subgroups. It is for this reason that estimates of the number of indigenous languages spoken in Oaxaca vary between fifteen and over a hundred. The distribution and dialectal variation of the languages of Oaxaca reflect a complicated history of population flux, with the expansion of some linguistic groups (and the retraction of other groups) followed by internal diversification. These processes are exemplified by the evolution of Zapotee and Mixtee, the two largest language groups in Oaxaca. Apparently originating in the highland valleys of the interior, proto-Zapotee and proto-Mixtec spread steadily over the surrounding areas, splitting into numerous dialect groups (Winter et al. Internal differentiation of these languages has been correlated with specific events that have been documented archaeologically, such as the appearance of new settlements on the periphery Threat of Diversity 95 of the sphere of influence of the ancient city of Monte Albбn during the Classic period and the development of warring city-states in the Mixtee region during the Postclassic (Winter 1989). Linguistic, ethnic, and political boundaries shifted and overlapped at various times, and early colonial records point to the existence of preHispanic states that crossed language lines (Acuсa 1984, 2:185), as well as communities where more than one language or dialect was spoken (Acuсa 1984, 2:220, 281-85). After the Spanish conquest, cultural and linguistic fragmentation was exacerbated. The huge loss of life from the devastating diseases introduced from the Old World reduced densely populated areas to small, increasingly isolated communities. Spanish settlers and African slaves, as well as Nбhuatl speakers from Central Mexico, formed enclaves in a few areas of Oaxaca that came to constitute cultural wedges between indigenous peoples. In contemporary Oaxaca, ethnic identity varies widely from situations in which kinship and ritual ties between communities are strong, dialectal differences are minimal, and people of different communities have a clear sense of forming a distinct group to cases in which primary loyalty is to the local community, dialectal differences are significant (in some cases even exaggerated by rival villages), and the townspeople have only a weak sense of belonging to a larger people (Barabas and Bartolomй 1986:77-84). It is mainly in recent decades -in a movement correlated with extensive migration of indigenous families for work in northern Mexico and the United States -that a sense of ethnic affiliation beyond the local community has begun to strengthen among larger groups, such as the Mixtee and Zapotee. This renewal of ethnic identity is largely a response to economic exploitation and discrimination faced by indigenous migrants (Nagengast and Kearney 1990). Enmeshed in the complex dynamics of group identity in Oaxaca are the shifting definitions of indigenous versus nonindigenous, "mestizo" ethnicity. The ambiguities and contradictions inherent in categorizing who is indigenous in Mexico account partly for the large disparities in population estimates of the ethnic groups of Oaxaca today. The national census counts as indнgena** only individuals above five years of age who speak an indigenous language. Yet the reliance on language as a marker of ethnicity has 7 been called into question -after all, there are large areas where indigenous languages have disappeared only recently and where people nevertheless maintain various expressions of traditional culture and a sense of indigenous identity. The inclusion of such communities in the official census would raise the number of Indнgenas considerably, making them by far the majority of the population of the state (Barabas and Bartolomй 1986:19-24). Distinctions in costume correlate closely with local community and dialect rather than with larger regional or ethnic divisions. Adjacent communities speaking closely related variants of the same language often differ markedly in clothing;8 in some cases, the differences were accentuated dramatically in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as some communities adopted garments and styles of nonindigenous Mexican dress of different periods,9 while neighboring communities retained earlier forms of clothing. Even among the smaller ethnic groups, where costume tends to be more uniform, subtle differences usually distinguish individual communities. Ethnographic study, including textile research, has focused on the indigenous groups of Oaxaca (as defined by language) to the neglect of the mestizo population. Until quite recently, however, weaving and distinctive clothing were not restricted to indigenous villages.
They are made of different vegetables which are cut into thin slices and dipped into spiced chickpea flour batter and deep-fried bacteria from bees possible alternative to antibiotics buy goutnil 0.5 mg without a prescription. Deep-fried virus vs cold buy generic goutnil 0.5mg on line, spicy bacteria morphology and classification cheap goutnil, star-shaped noodles made from seasoned chana dal flour which is pressed through a special press directly into hot oil infection 7 weeks after dc order 0.5mg goutnil mastercard. Made with layers of diced potatoes, yam, raw bananas, small brinjals, papdi seeds cooked with muthiya and seasoned with salt, turmeric and a paste of garlic, green chillies, ginger and finely chopped coriander. Steamed dish made from rice and chana dal flour to which shredded vegetables are added and seasoned. Deep-fried spicy balls of semolina pastry stuffed with crush green peas or soaked mug dal, grated coconut and spices. Triangle-shaped deep-fried spicy pastry of plain flour stuffed with green peas and potatoes and spices. Crushed herbs and seasonings (salt, black pepper, green chillies and ginger) are added to taste. Small batter balls are deep-fried to golden brown then put in cold water for 23 minutes and the water squeezed out. They are served with spiced yoghurt and tamarind chutney garnished with chopped coriander. Herbs and spices (salt, crushed green chillies and ginger) and baking soda are added and then they are steamed for about 15 minutes in a flat dish and cut into pieces. Same as above but instead of chickpea flour chana dal is soaked for 45 hours and then liquidized and fermented with yoghurt, seasoned and steamed. Made from different dals (mung, lentil or mixed) which are soaked and liquidized to a batter; seasonings are added and small batter balls are deep fried. Penda Gulab Jambu Burfi Shrikhand Doodh pak Rice Kheer Rabdi Jallebi Made from full-fat milk powder, which is cooked in ghee on a low flame until light brown. Made from fermented plain flour batter which is made into cartwheels over hot fat and dipped into sugar syrup. Make rotli and bhakhari without adding oil to the dough and spread ghee or butter on them vary sparingly. Try to cook paratha, thepla, dhebara in non-stick frying pan, and use as little oil in cooking as possible. Try whole meal/granary rolls/brown instead of white varieties and low-fat spreads instead of butter. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cassava, green banana are all good sources of carbohydrates, but use them on their own rather than with Indian breads and rice. Include traditional vegetables such as okra (bhinda), spinach (palak), peas (matter), cauliflower (ful gobi), but also try local vegetables and fruits as they are cheaper, fresher and can be just as nutritious. If non-vegetarian, trim fat off meat, take skin off chicken and include oily fish, such as salmon and sardines in the diet. Try low-fat plain yoghurts for cooking and for making raita/chaas Try low-fat varieties of cheese such as Edam or cottage cheese. Cut down intake of pies, pastries, sausage rolls, cake, biscuits English sweets, chocolates and all convenience foods. Try to restrict eating Indian sweets, biscuits, cakes, chocolates and ice cream to special occasions. Cut down on deep-fried foods such as chevdo, sev, ghthiya, chips, crisps, samosas. Invest in non-stick, thick-bottomed saucepans as they require less oil in cooking, and prevent food from sticking or burning. Fats and oil Salt Another initiative is a community farm in London to encourage women to grow traditional and indigenous vegetables, and a cookery class, particularly useful for giving health information for chronic conditions such as diabetes. Cookery competitions which aim to demonstrate the use of traditional and seasonal indigenous ingredients which are high in fibre and cooked using less fat. Working more closely with religious and local voluntary organizations, which are now well established within the local community and are already providing religious and cultural needs. The main aim is to discuss and demonstrate simple changes to the diet and different cooking methods.
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